Ever wonder why nursing exams are so hard?
Watch this quick video where I share a little known professor secret...
On exams, I rarely ask easy questions like, "What are the symptoms of hypoglycemia?" because it only requires you to "remember" the information.
Instead, you're more likely to see harder, application level questions like, "While assessing a client with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, the nurse notes the client's HR is 110 and he is diaphoretic. Which of the following nursing interventions would be highest priority at this time?"
In this case, you have to "remember" hypoglycemia is a potential complication of Diabetes, "remember" the symptoms of hypoglycemia and "understand" the relevance of these findings in this client. Finally, you must "apply" this knowledge and understanding by selecting the priority nursing intervention in this situation.
If you study by reviewing your notes, making flashcards & practicing quizlets, you won't be prepared to answer questions like this.
So how SHOULD you study?
1. Before you can apply your knowledge, you must KNOW the information. Read effectively, take complete notes and condense your notes into concept maps (need help? download the ebook in my bio)
2. Teach and explain your concept maps to others. The work of summarizing, highlighting and explaining it OUT LOUD is a great way to prepare yourself for application level questions.
The best way to know if you're ready for your next exam is to TEACH the information to someone else. You'll find out really quick what you know well and what you don't know.
Trust me. As an educator for nearly 15 years, I've learned this first hand.
Know what to expect on your next nursing exam by watching this video, study the right way, reduce your anxiety and actually ENJOY nursing school!
Your Professor,
Dr. Adam